Tuesday, July 7, 2015

Gate Locks

Locksmith Reno gate latch
When it comes to gate locks, there are many types available in the market to fit a wide range of applications. Depending on the type and style of the gate, there are different ways to choose the right lock for your gate.

For convenient purposes and ease of use, there is a type of lock that will allow fast access to the gate while properly secure it once it is closed. A spring latch gate lock would do the job for you. These types of locks have spring loaded mechanism that will force the latch back once it is released which in turn will force the locking bolt to properly secure the gate. Although it will not automatically lock the gate, it will however secure it in place closed.

There is another type of latch which will give you easy access from the inside as well, but will not allow any easy access from the outside and in addition it will have the option of locking it using a padlock. This type of latch work on a slide bolt type mechanism. It will basically send the bolt that is attached to the latch on the mechanism and inside the locking bracket on the gate post.

Gate keypad locksmith Reno
If a decorative style is more of the direction you are looking for in a lock that will secure the gate which will be convenient to use as well, a thumb type latch would be the solution. These types of latches will come in different styles to compliment your gate's design which include wooden decorated gates as well. The latch based on a simple mechanism which allow opening the gate each time it will depressed using the thumb.

An electric type gate lock is the latest technology in gate security. These types of locks would normally come with several options and features that will give the user all the control he needs. These types of locks will normally come in a form of key-less entry interface, access control, remote access, and more!

For more information about security lock systems for your gate, contact NorthWest Locksmith Reno.

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