Wednesday, December 16, 2015

Automotive Ignition Service

Reno locksmith Honda ignition switch
Here at NorthWest Locksmith Reno we offer a wide range of automotive locksmith services for both imports and domestic make and model vehicles. From unlocking your vehicle, originating new keys, to repairing and replacing ignition switches, we do it all! Our technicians are professional and will explain you exactly what is needed to be done before performing any service.

The most common automotive service we usually perform is for an ignition. We have found that many make and model vehicles in the market have common issues that can cause the ignition switch to malfunction. When it comes to Hondas and Acuras vehicles, we found that many people had issues with the key getting stuck inside the ignition switch. Although it does happen on other make and models, we found it to be more common on Hondas and Acuras. This type of issue can be caused by wafers that got worn out in time and also dirt that may have entered into the switch and caused the malfunction.

Whether if its dirt or normal wear and tear, once the wafers are out of alignment, a key cannot be inserted or will get stuck in the ignition switch. However, these types of issues will not turn out overnight as the user may feel some difficulties over a certain period of time operating the ignition switch with the key. Once the key will get stuck inside the switch, calling a professional locksmith will be the best option.

Locksmith Reno Honda
There is the option of taking your vehicle to the dealer for service. However, not only it will involve an expensive towing charge, in addition to the dealer high rates, you most likely will have to wait for a few days to have the vehicle serviced with a new ignition switch and a key made. Here at NorthWest Locksmith Reno we provide mobile automotive locksmith services which means our technicians will travel to your location with no extra charge and replace or repair the ignition switch on the spot!

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