Monday, May 25, 2015

High Security Locks for Discounts

High security locks Reno locksmith
Often I would hear stories that customer would tell me from previous experience calling a professional locksmith to do a service. I got a call recently from a customer who needed the locks at her home changed. During the time I was working on the locks, she told me about a time she was locked out of her home and had to call a locksmith for a lockout service. She said the technician was able to come and get her inside her house in no time. However, that was not why she was telling me the story. The point of the tale was what the technician actually told her while unlocking the lock. He mentioned that upgrading the locks on the doors surrounding her home will give her a major reduction in her home insurance payments.

As she was telling me the story, I understood why she had called to have her lock changes to an upgraded lock system. Monthly insurance payments can be expensive and many professional locksmith and security companies know that insurance companies do reward home owners for having good security features on their home such as high security locks and even a deadbolt lock!

Most of the time, people will go to the hardware store to buy locks. Most don't know, but the locks being sold there, have a particular grading system on them. This type of grade system was specifically implemented by various professional institutes and associations to further give the customer information about the product he/she about to purchase. The grading system is very simple divided to 3 different grades 1, 2 and 3 with 1 being the most secure with the highest quality. However, most homeowners do not comprehend the difference between these types of locks. This is when a professional locksmith comes into the picture.

Reno locksmith deadbolt
Most insurance companies will have policies where they would offer discounts if you have a particular lock system installed. Just to be on the safe side, it is always recommended calling the insurance company first and see if you qualify for a discount in case a high security lock was installed in your home. Most of the time, if the insurance company will confirm they offer such discount, they will require having one of the locksmith companies they work with to come and do the installation or at least inspect the installation and product if was done by a different locksmith technician or company. This process may sound expensive, but will save money in the long run on monthly insurance payments.

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